Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lets talk about the CURE.

Their are a number of very good, highly educated, highly skilled Bermudians that have worked hard to fulfill the promises made to them by the management at BGA. Ones that expected advancement after years of hearing the promises that if they obtained a better education, a higher level of achievement in their chosen field they would be rewarded. And yes they were, they were rewarded with insulting offers below anybodies expectations and an offers that they could keep their existing job or move on along with any future desires crushed with no more offers of advancement, which presented no chance and no choice but to look for employment else where. So much for a career at BGA. For a lot of Bermudians that meant moving on to hopefully better positions and better bosses. To those people who made the move, trust me, you made the right decision.If your a Bermudian and the wrong shade I wouldn't hold my breath at getting one of the key positions in management, its been tried and the failure rate is abnormally high. But feel free to apply for any of the other jobs, you will always be the right color for those. I really don't like to recommend this organization because they sometimes are just as bad as the people they fight but every once in a while CURE has a purpose and that purpose is BGA. Its time the complexion started to change a bit on the second floor of BGA. If you make real promises you should deliver. If you don't you should get the CURE and I'm talking to the CEO of BGA, Mr. John Tomlinson and the owner Mr. Wendall Brown, you two should be ashamed of the way you treats Bermudians. Believe it or not, nobodies as stupid as you think they are.

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